PMI Tanzania Chapter

Claiming PDUs

Registering your PDU’s for our Chapter Meetings and Breakfast Events

As a holder of a PMP or other PMI credential you are entitled to claim up to 1 PDU for every Breakfast or Chapter event attended. To claim the PDUs, please follow these steps.

  1. Go to
  2. You’ll be prompted “Authentication Required” – on the right hand enter your “ Username” and “ Password“, then select “Log In
  3. Look for the “Report professional development units (PDUs)” link on the left hand menu
  4. Step 1a – In the PDU category drop down list, select “Cat A: Registered Education Provider/PMI Component
  5. Step 1b – In the Activity type drop down list, select “Report a Component 1-2 PDU Event” and click NEXT
  6. Step 2 – In the Component ID field, key in the “C392” (Tanzania Component Number) and click SEARCH
  7. Step3 – The Component Activity Information Step 3 Screen will be displayed along with The Component Name field populated with “PMI Sydney, Australia Chapter
  8. Step 3a – In the Activity date completed field enter the date of the event (using mm/dd/yyyy format) or click on the calendar icon and chose the appropriate date
  9. Step 3b – In the Activity title field enter the name of the Breakfast/Chapter Meeting as listed on the Sydney Chapter web site
  10. Click NEXT (the other fields are optional)
  11. Step 4 – in the PDUs claimed box enter ‘1’ and click NEXT
  12. Step 5 – Tick the ‘I agree this claim is accurate’ box and click on the Submit button.

Note: detailed step-by-step screen captures are available at for more detailed instructions.


Registering your PDU’s for our Chapter Short Courses, Workshops and Master classes

As a holder of a PMP or other PMI credential you are entitled to claim PDUs for attendance at a Chapter Short Course, Workshop or Masterclass that is relevant to PMBOK topics. To claim the PDUs, please follow these steps.

  1. Go to
  2. You’ll be prompted “Authentication Required” – on the right hand enter your “ Username” and “ Password“, then select “Log In
  3. Look for the “Report professional development units (PDUs)” link on the left hand menu
  4. In the PDU category drop down list, select “Cat A: Registered Education Provider/PMI Component
  5. In the Activity type drop down list, select “Find an Activity (Course or Event)” and click NEXT
  6. In the Provider number field, key in “C392” (Sydney Chapter Number)
  7. If you know the activity number or name please enter these in the Activity number or Activity name fields respectively. (Activity number can usually be found in the Course Description Screen below the location details)
  8. Click SEARCH
  9. A list of activities will be displayed, along with the number of PDUs applicable. Click on the Activity # of the Course, Masterclass or Workshop you are claiming for.
  10. In the date started and completed fields enter the date(s) that you attended the course (using mm/dd/yyyy format) or click on the calendar icon and chose the appropriate date
  11. The PDUs claimed box will be automatically populated with the correct number of PDUs
  12. Tick the ‘I agree this claim is accurate’ box and click on the Submit button.

Registering your PDU’s for Volunteer Activities

If you are an active volunteer with the PMI Sydney Chapter you are entitled to claim PDUs for any volunteer work that you perform. To claim the PDUs, please follow these steps.

  1. Go to
  2. You’ll be prompted “Authentication Required” – on the right hand enter your “ Username” and “ Password“, then select “Log In
  3. Look for the “Report professional development units (PDUs)” link on the left hand menu
  4. In the PDU category drop down list, select select “Cat E: Volunteer Service” and click NEXT
  5. In the Program enter your volunteer role and portfolio
  6. Enter the start and end dates of the period that you are claiming for and the number of hours worked
  7. In the Provider box enter PMI Tanzania Chapter
  8. The remaining information is optional -just need to enter the number of PDUs claimed (1 PDU per hour of volunteer service)
  9. Tick the ‘I agree this claim is accurate’ box and click on the Submit button.