PMI Tanzania Chapter


Having a mentor is a proven way of accelerating your career. Many highly successful professionals owe some of their success to having access to a great mentor.

As a service to members, the PMI Tanzania Chapter can connect you with a mentor – someone who has achieved success in the world of project management and who wants to help you develop your own career.


How it works

The PMI Tanzania Mentoring Program matches mentees with mentors, and provides ongoing support to the mentoring pairs.

Mentees submit an application outlining their career experience and areas they want to develop. Mentors also submit applications describing their areas of expertise. These applications are assessed by the PMI Tanzania Mentoring team with the aim of finding the most suitable mentor for each mentee.

A formal kick-off session is arranged for each intake of mentors and mentees. In 2016 we will have an intake in February and another in July.

We are preparing for the February 2016 intake, and are looking for some more mentees and mentors. If you would like to participate in the pilot, please lodge your application now.


Benefits for mentees

The Mentoring Program is designed to accelerate the mentee’s career. Some of the benefits for mentees include:

  • Being able to have an open and honest career discussion in a supportive environment,
  • Leveraging the skills, experience and wisdom of someone who’s “been there”,
  • Having access to a trusted partner where you can work through current project challenges,
  • Learning different ways of thinking,
  • Broadening your professional network,
  • Earning PDUs.

Benefits for mentors

Mentors recognise the importance of developing the next generation of project management professionals, and benefit from the mentoring role by:

  • Giving back to the profession by helping less experienced professionals grow,
  • Deriving a sense of achievement as you watch your mentee develop,
  • Learning new things through your mentee,
  • Broadening your professional network,
  • Earning PDUs.

How to apply

If you would like to join the Mentoring Program, please e-mail the Vice President Professional Development & Education at who will send you an application form to complete and return for processing.

If you would like to know more about the Mentoring Program, check out the FAQs below. If you have further questions you can email the Mentoring team at



Q. Will I earn PDUs?

A. Yes – as a mentee, a properly structured mentoring arrangement can help you earn PDUs through the Self-Directed Learning category. Mentors earn PDUs through the Volunteering category. You do need to keep accurate records and be prepared to produce them if audited.

Q. How much does it cost?

A. There is no cost to mentors and mentees.

Q. How often do mentors and mentees meet?

A. The short answer is that they meet as often as they see fit. A general guide is at least once a month, although many people find it more effective to meet fortnightly for around for an hour.

Q. Do I need to be a PMI Tanzania Chapter member to participate?

A. Yes. This is a benefit that is available only to Chapter members.

Q. What happens if the mentoring partnership is not working?

A. We try hard to ensure that the mentoring pairs are compatible. There will be times when things don’t work out. The first step is to ensure that both mentor and mentee agree that the partnership is not working. If this is the case, we will find a new mentor for the mentee if required.

Q. When does the mentoring relationship end?

A. Typically, mentoring relationships will run for three to six months. It is really up to the mentoring pair to decide when the goals of the mentoring relationship have been met.

Q. Will my mentor help me earn my PMP?

A. If your immediate goal is to earn your PMP, then you should consider formal training, rather than a mentor.

Q. Will my mentor help me find a job?

A. No – this is not the primary purpose of mentoring.

Q. I don’t live in Tanzania – can I still participate?

A. Yes you can, as long as you are a Tanzania Chapter member. Not all mentoring needs to be conducted face to face. We recommend you travel to Tanzania for the initial kick-off, but after that you and your mentor should agree on how mentoring sessions will be conducted.