PMI Tanzania Chapter


The Tanzania Chapter would like to welcome you to get involved on the VRMS (Volunteer Relationship Management System) to improve your relationship with us and the PMI global community.

The VRMS is an integrated volunteer web application and database provided by that is available to current and prospective volunteers. The VRMS offers many exciting capabilities for you, such as:

  • Create a volunteer profile and maintain their service history in one easy place.
  • Search and apply for posted volunteer opportunities at the global and local level.

You can access the VRMS in only one step from the Get Involved tab of Use your PMI registered username and password to login to VRMS.

For more information click here


What is the role of a Volunteer?

There is an opportunity for those who wish to excel in Project Management to join as Volunteer for the PMI Tanzania Chapter. We are constantly looking for people to assist with a diverse range of activies, including:

  • Events (organising, planning and on-site support for our breakfasts and evening meetings)
  • Building Better Futures (Community and school education programs)
  • Communications (managing the website, producing our newsletters and engaging in social media)
  • Marketing (spreading the word of what PMI is about, obtaining sponsorships)
  • Membership (dealing with queries, benefits)
  • Mentor program (assisting as mentors)
  • Professional development (planning and managing our Chapter classes)
  • and much more.

What are the benefits of being a Volunteer at PMI

  • Ability to gain experience on leadership and management skills
  • Ability to gain Project Management Skills and to earn Professional Development Units (PDU’s)
  • Access a network of Project Management professionals
  • Certificate issued by PMI Tanzania Chapter after successful completion of one year as a Volunteer.

Who can volunteer?

To be able to volunteer for the PMI Tanzania Chapter, you must be a current member of the chapter. If you are not a member, click here to Join Now. or if your membership has lapsed, click here to Renew Your Membership.


How do I get started?

Create your volunteer profile and start searching for volunteer opportunities in the Volunteer Relationship Management System (VRMS).